1. Back in 2003 we were using Rainfall's program to export original fonts as long-sized BMP images, and import modified ones. A decade later our lead programmer
Nod found the way to expand font files and use both english and russian symbols in game.
2. Yes. Thanks to Nod again.
3. It's a plain text file. Just don't use the following symbols #%&~@$^*()+|{}"<>`=\[];/ in your scripts. By the way I recommend to translate floppy version (1.06) to avoid random crashes on voiced scenes.
добавлено Morendil - 09.05.17 - 13:17Python library for translation of executable -
https://github.com/Nodepad/python-tes-arena-exe-translatorPython library for extracting resources -
https://github.com/Nodepad/python-tes-arena-resource-libSource files of russian translation -
https://www.dropbox.com/s/se1k06r85ttef0m/T...lation.zip?dl=0You need to install the above libraries, unpack source files and run convert.py.
A while ago Nod was going to write an article about his tools and reverse engineering Arena.
You can try to contact him, see email in setup.py file on github.
Сообщение отредактировал Morendil - 08.05.17 - 15:07